SPN2012-ESD N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET DataSheet
DESCRIPTION TheSPN2012istheN-Channelenhancement modepower field effect transistors are produced using high celldensity , DMOS trench technology.This high densityprocess is especially tailored to minimize on-stateresistanceand provide superior switching performance.These devices are particularly suited for low voltageapplicationssuch as notebook computer powermanagement and other battery powered circuitswherehigh-side switching, low in-line power loss, andresistance to transients are needed.
FEATURES N-Channel 20V/0.95A,RDS(ON)=310mΩ@VGS=4.5V 20V/0.75A,RDS(ON)=360mΩ@VGS=2.5V 20V/0.65A,RDS(ON)=460mΩ@VGS=1.8V Super high density cell design for extremely lowRDS(ON) Exceptional on-resistance and maximum DCcurrent capability SOT-23package design
APPLICATIONS Power Management in Note book Portable Equipment Battery Powered System DC/DC Converter Load Switch DSC LCD Display inverter
