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发布者:微桥 发布时间:2011/12/10 阅读:12860次    关键字: PSR
FP7171-Universal High Brightness LED Driver

FP7171-全电压高亮度LED驱动IC Universal High Brightness LED Driver DataSheet

General Description
    The FP7171 is an open loop, current mode, control LED driver IC. The FP7171 can be programmed to operate in either a constant frequency or constant off-time mode. It includes an 8.5 - 450V linear regulator which allows it to work from a wide range of input voltages without the need for an external low voltage supply. The FP7171 includes a PWM dimming and 0 - 250mV linear dimming input which can be used for linear dimming of the LED current. The FP7171 is ideally suited for buck LED drivers. Since the FP7171 operates in open loop current mode control, the controller achieves good output current regulation without the need for any loop compensation.

 Switch mode controller for single switch LED drivers
 Enhanced drop-in replacement to the FP7171
 Open loop peak current controller
 Internal 8.5 to 450V linear regulator
 Constant frequency or constant off-time operation
 Linear and PWM dimming capability
 Requires few external components for operation

 DC/DC or AC/DC LED driver applications
 RGB backlighting LED driver
 Back lighting of flat panel displays
 General purpose constant current source
 Signage and decorative LED lighting
 Chargers


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