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当前位置:首页>>LED驱动>>Syncpower擎力 >>SP2260-60V Buck LED Driver   双击自动滚屏
发布者:微桥 发布时间:2012/8/3 阅读:25871次    关键字: LED
SP2260-60V Buck LED Driver

SP2260-60V Buck LED Driver DataSheet

    SP2260 is the monolithic IC designed for a step-down LED driver capable of driving 1.5A/3A load without an additional transistor.
    The input voltage range is up to 60V. Its feedback voltage, VFB, is 200mV. The SP2260 operates at a switching frequency of 52kHz. The external shutdown function is controlled by a logic level on the ON/OFF pin and then the circuit comes into the standby mode with ISTBY~50μA (typ.). The ON/OFF pin may be used for the analog dimming. As the voltage on the ON/OFF pin is increased from 0.07V to 0.67V, the voltage on the FB pin falls from 200mV to 0. The self-protection features include a cycle-by-cycle current limit and a thermal protection. SP2260 is available in standard TO-263 and SOP-8 with power pad. package.

  VIN Max = 60V
  VFB = 200mV
  Frequency 52kHz
  ILED Max 1.5A with PSOP-8L
  ILED Max 3.0A with TO-263-5L
  On/Off input may be used for the Analog Dimming
  Thermal protection
  Cycle-by-cycle current limit

  DC/DC LED driver applications
  Backlighting for flat panel displays
  General purpose constant current source

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